Such miracles do happen

One day, all the statues in the area come to life. They leave the roadside shrines and pedestals and calmly set off straight ahead, all in the same direction. They do not even stop for a moment. People watch the phenomenon with growing anxiety. None of them knows why and where they go. Only a little girl with a boneless body marvels at the procession of the unusual figures with pure fascination. They walk without muscles, though they should not be able to walk. How strange!

Director: Barbara Rupik
Country: Poland
Year: 2022
Length: 00:13:48
Technique: Stop Motion
Language: Polish

This film is playing as part of:

Student Film Panorama

Time: Tue, 14 Nov - 14:40
Venue: HOME Cinema 2

Student Film Panorama

Time: Thu, 16 Nov - 16:30
Venue: HOME Cinema 2